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Res Photographica, N° 201, 10.2017 | Collection G. Even

Collection G. Even
Collection d'appareils photo, accessoires, gadgets et objets divers

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Res Photographica, N° 201, 10.2017

REV-NL0201.jpg Box-Cameras made in Germany<br />Hans-Dieter Götz<br />(BIB0833)MiniaturesCerto - Camerawerk<br />Hartmut Thiele<br />(BIB0869)Box-Cameras made in Germany<br />Hans-Dieter Götz<br />(BIB0833)MiniaturesCerto - Camerawerk<br />Hartmut Thiele<br />(BIB0869)Box-Cameras made in Germany<br />Hans-Dieter Götz<br />(BIB0833)MiniaturesCerto - Camerawerk<br />Hartmut Thiele<br />(BIB0869)Box-Cameras made in Germany<br />Hans-Dieter Götz<br />(BIB0833)MiniaturesCerto - Camerawerk<br />Hartmut Thiele<br />(BIB0869)Box-Cameras made in Germany<br />Hans-Dieter Götz<br />(BIB0833)MiniaturesCerto - Camerawerk<br />Hartmut Thiele<br />(BIB0869)Box-Cameras made in Germany<br />Hans-Dieter Götz<br />(BIB0833)MiniaturesCerto - Camerawerk<br />Hartmut Thiele<br />(BIB0869)

Vous voulez-acheter cet ouvrage ?

Table des matières:
• Nos annonceurs
• Editorial (G. Bandelier)
• L'Exakta VP, son histoire et ses avantages (H. Ruys)
• Certo - Camera (K-E Riess)
• La sainte famille Spartus (I. Cosson)
• Les Reyna Cross II nés pendant la guerre (J-P Bouchet)
• Molteni (P Guérin)
• Expo "Livradois, terre de photographes"
• Vie du Club (G. Bandelier)
• Nos annonceurs

Pages: 38
Format : A4
ISSN : 0291-6479

Commentaires: -

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