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Exposure meter guide (2e éd.)Charles H. Coles(BIB0647) | Collection G. Even

Collection G. Even
Collection d'appareils photo, accessoires, gadgets et objets divers

Exposure meter guide (2e éd.)
Charles H. Coles

BIB0647.jpg Savoyflex II - 1959<br />(APP2642)MiniaturesColorado (Sem)<br />(APP1557)Savoyflex II - 1959<br />(APP2642)MiniaturesColorado (Sem)<br />(APP1557)Savoyflex II - 1959<br />(APP2642)MiniaturesColorado (Sem)<br />(APP1557)


Titre: -
Auteur: Coles (Charles H.)
Édition: - Collection: -
Date: -
Pays: - Langue: -
Table des matières:
Part One

- Shutter speeds
- Lens Openings (f Stops)
- F vs. shutter time
- Film sensitivity
- Light and your film
- Reflected light exposure meters
- Incident light exposure meters
Part two: Special subjects
Part three: Exposure meters
- Actinos, Actophot, Argus L3, Argus L44, Bewi Automat Clip-on, Bewi Automat B, Brockway Model S, Chauvin-Arnoux Cellophot, Combi Lux, Etalon Compact, Walz Corona, Walz Corona B, GE DW-68, Weston DR854, DeJur Dual-Professional, Gossen Dual Sixon, Hickok Duplex, GE Golden Crown PR3, Etalon Expotel 64, GE Guardian PR2, Metrawatt Horvex 2, Federal Instruments Corp. Ideal, Zeiss Ikophot Rapid, Ilford Model C, LMT, Sekonic Leader Deluxe L8, Leica Meter C, Leica Meter 2, Agfa Lucimeter, Gossen LV Six, GE Mascot II PR35, Metraphot 3, Weston Master III, Bower Minirex II, Marion M3, GE PR1, Realt, Realt Monocadran, Dorn Record Prize, GM Skan DeLuxe, GM Skan Quick, Gossen Sixti, Gossen Sixtomat X3, Gossen Tower 9700, Gossen Tower 9707, Unittic, DeJur 5B, Walz EV-LV, Walz Direct, Walz P1, Walz Movie Meter, Walz Super Norwood
Commentaires: -
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Reliure: -

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